
What Does The Cost Of Childbirth In The USA Consist Of?

Speaking about how much it costs to give birth in the USA, you need to understand that this price has two main components: firstly, it is a medical service for monitoring the last weeks of pregnancy, giving birth and postpartum observation by a doctor. secondly, these are all expenses associated with living in the United…

Checklist: Making A Newborn First Aid Kit

There are times when parents are able to help the newborn with treatment and care. The most necessary things for this should be in the baby’s first aid kit. It is important to remember that you can help your child in case of mild ailments, but in many cases, it is necessary to show the…

Jane Hardwicke Collings

Jane Harwicke Collings is an independent midwife from Australia, who has been attending homebirths since 1984. She is herself a homebirth mother of four, a grandmother and a teacher of the Women’s Mysteries. She gives workshops, writes books and has founded The School of Shamanic Midwifery. Jane has trained in Shamanic practices with James M…

Pranic Pregnancy and Parenthood

To some, it may come as a surprise that Camila Salas only ate five solid meals throughout her entire pregnancy. But for Camila, nourishing her own mind, spirit and body, as well as the body of her unborn child, through fresh juice and the cosmic life energy of breath is part of her practice of…

What do infant mortality and elephant poaching in Africa have in common?

Life on Earth is richly complex and interdependent, and all of the suffering and destruction we see in the world is more linked together than we might realize. It’s time to break the cycle of suffering and trauma, and to wake up to who we really are as human beings. According to Suzanne Arms, we…

Review of Birth Control Pills Website

Birth control is an important aspect of family planning. Every woman should think properly how to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy. First of all, she should visit a gynecologist who assesses her condition and selects the correct method of contraception. Among the most popular contraceptive means there are: combined hormonal pills; intrauterine devices; mini-pills. This…

Planning Family and Labor

According to the WHO definition, the concept of family planning refers to actions aimed at ensuring the control of the reproductive function of a married couple for the birth of healthy and wanted children. Especially the principles of family planning are supported by people belonging to the ideological direction of childfree which means “free from…

Ditch the Birth Plan!

When women are able to experience self-determination, rather than control or a perfect plan, they will succeed at having a birth that is aligned with their vision. The key, shares Nicole Deggins of Sista Midwife Productions, is that mamas tap into their intuition and develop a birth philosophy. In this pieces, she offers the key…

Herbs for Labor XVI: Birthroot

Isabelle Wilson is an internationally renowned medicine woman and herbalist who is known for her work, the Wise Woman Way. In this edition of the series called “Herbs for Labor” written for Birth Institute, she shares how birthroots spread and meander, like life, like childbirth, and how Trillium would be used to support women throughout the…

Meditations for Pregnancy, Birth and Bonding

Meditation is an ancient practice that supports well-being, and it is a tool that can help parents and their baby both physically and spiritually. In this piece, Sienna Long, author of Enlightened Pregnancy, provides a guided meditation exercise that you may use to support your clients’ minds, giving them spiritual guidance and support for baby. Learn to support…

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