MWS 0101 Introduction to Midwifery Sciences (4 credits). This course provides entry-level understanding of evidence-based care as it relates to the structures and function of the human body. Students will learn basic science of anatomy and physiology, nutrition, and genetics to serve as a foundation for further studies. Coursework will emphasize medical terminology to foster common understanding and professionalism when collaborating with other midwives and healthcare professionals. Students will gain entry-level proficiency in basic general skills for midwifery, including: Hand washing; Gloving and Ungloving; Sterile Technique; Sterilization of Instruments; Use of the Stethoscope, Otoscope and Ophthalmoscope; General Lifting Techniques; Oxygen Safety, Setup and Administration; Universal Precautions; Maternal Temperature Assessment; Maternal Pulses; Maternal Respiratory Assessment; Maternal Skin Assessment; Maternal Blood Pressure; Basic Treatment of Shock; Pulse Oximeter; SOPIER Charting; ABCs of Emergency Care. Prerequisites: none. Offered: Summer/Winter.
MWS 0202 Pregnancy (4 credits). Students will gain an understanding of anatomy, physiology and medical terminology for pregnancy as well as the protocols for out of hospital midwifery care from the initial contact with a client through to the onset of labor, including the recognition and treatment of physiological discomforts of pregnancy and understanding and interpreting routine lab work and screening. Students will consider the role of midwife as autonomous professional and analyze the similarities and differences between technocratic and humanistic approaches to pregnancy. Upon completion of the course, students will have entry-level proficiency in the following out of hospital midwifery skills: Determining EDD; Oral Client History; Basic Physical Exam; Speculum Exam; Uterine Size and Fetal Age According to Bimanual Exam; Leopold’s Maneuvers; Obstetrical Abdominal Evaluation; Fundal Height Measurement; Auscultation of Fetal Heart Rate; Assessment of Edema; Fetal Activity Testing; Routine Prenatal Exam; Basic Treatment of Shock; SOAPIER Charting; and the ABCs of Emergency Care. Prerequisites: MWS 0101. Offered Spring/Fall.
MWS 0302 Labor & Birth (4 credits). Students will learn the anatomy, physiology and medical terminology for normal labor and birth, and how midwives manage the different stages of birth, including how to assess the wellbeing of mother and child and screen for complications during each stage of labor. Students will consider the role of midwife as autonomous professional and analyze the similarities and differences between technocratic and humanistic approaches to childbirth. Upon completion of the course, students will have entry-level proficiency in the following out of hospital midwifery skills: Preparation of the Birth Room; Dehydration in Labor; Basic Intrapartum Exam; Evidence of Ruptured Membranes; Stretch and Sweep of Membranes; Artificial Rupture of Membranes; Assessment of Contractions; Basic Comfort Measures; Water Birth; Oxygen Setup & Preparation; Monitoring the Fetal Heart; Assessment of Meconium Staining; Enema; Abnormal Changes in Maternal Vital Signs; Edematous Cervical Lip; Hand Maneuvers to Assist Birth; Ritgen Maneuver; Management of the Nuchal Cord Management of the Nuchal Hand/Arm. Prerequisites: MWS 0101. Offered Summer/Winter.
MWS 0402 Postpartum (4 credits). Students will learn the anatomy, physiology and medical terminology for normal postpartum care, preparing to meet the physiological needs of mothers during the third stage of labor and monitoring a woman’s recovery and transition throughout the postpartum period. This includes delivery of the placenta, care of the placenta and umbilical cord, estimation and management of blood loss, continual assessment of maternal well-being, assisting mother to initiate and persist in breast feeding, facilitation of the attachment and bonding between infant and parents, and what to do in the first few hours after birth. Students will consider the role of midwife as autonomous professional and analyze the similarities and differences between technocratic and humanistic approaches to postpartum care. Upon completion of the course, students will have entry-level proficiency in the following out of hospital midwifery skills: Immediate Postpartum Maternal Care; Obtaining a Cord Blood Sample; Determining Blood Type and Factor in the Newborn; Facilitating Delivery of the Placenta; Assessment of the Placenta; Postpartum Bleeding; Estimation of Blood Loss; Bathing Mother and Baby; General Postpartum Exam of the Mother; The 6-Week Postpartum Exam. Prerequisites: MWS 0101. Offered Spring/Fall.
MWS 0502 Newborn (4 credits). Students will learn anatomy, physiology and medical terminology for normal newborn development, including the 9 instinctive stages of newborn behavior in the first hours after birth, as well as common complications affecting the newborn. Signs and symptoms of impending problems, physical exams, when to transfer and the follow-up home visits/exams will be discussed. Students will consider the role of midwife as autonomous professional and analyze the similarities and differences between technocratic and humanistic approaches to newborn care. Upon completion of the course, students will have entry-level proficiency in the following out of hospital midwifery skills: Immediate Care of the Newborn; Administration of Free Flow Oxygen to the Newborn; Newborn Suction Techniques; Clamping and Cutting the Cord; Temperature Regulation of the Newborn; Newborn Temperature Assessment; Newborn Pulses; Respiratory and Cardiac Assessment of the Newborn; APGAR Assessment; Assessment of Newborn Reflexes; Newborn Eye Prophylaxis; Newborn Vitamin K Administration; Gestational Age Assessment; Initial Newborn Exam; 24-Hour Newborn Exam; Newborn Metabolic Screen; Use of the Icterometer; Jaundice in the Newborn; Meconium Aspiration and Recognition of RDS and Infection; Recognition of abnormalities, including Choanal Atresia, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Pierre Robin Syndrome, Down’s Syndrome and Cleft Lip/Palate. Prerequisites: MWS 0101. Offered: Summer/Winter.
MWS 0603 Complications of Pregnancy (4 credits). This course prepares students to identify and manage complications during the prenatal period and understand protocols for evidence-based interventions, including indications for referral. Emphasis placed on diagnostics and identification/recognition of underlying causes. Students will gain entry-level proficiency for out of hospital practice in the following midwifery skills: Hemoglobin Analysis; Glucose Analysis; Dipstick Urinalysis; Urinary Tract Infection; Asymptomatic Bacteriuria; Breast Exam and Assessment for Breastfeeding; Assessment of Uterus, Ovaries and Cervix; Exam of Vulva, Vagina, Cervix, Perineum, and Anus; PAP Test; Gynecological Cultures; Supine Hypotensive Syndrome; Post Dates Pregnancy; Bishop Score of the Cervix; Ectopic Pregnancy; Basic Emergency Neurological Evaluation; Pulse Oximeter; Maternal Hypertension. Prerequisites: MWS 0202. Offered Spring/Fall.
MWS 0703 Complications of Labor & Birth (4 credits). Students will learn to recognize complications during labor and birth and understand protocols for evidence-based interventions, including knowledge of when to transfer. Students will gain entry-level proficiency for out of hospital practice in the following midwifery skills: Shoulder Dystocia; McRobert’s Maneuver; Gaskin Maneuver; Abnormal Fetal Heart Tones and Patterns; Episiotomy; Face and Brow Presentations; Breech Birth; Birth of Twins; Modified Active Management of Third Stage; Birth of the Premature Infant; Uterine Rupture; Cord Prolapse; Emergency Manual Dilation; Abnormal Bleeding in Labor; Amnionitis; Gastroschisis; Administration of IV Fluids; Changing and Discontinuing an IV; Administration of IV Pitocin for Postpartum Hemorrhage; Basic Suturing; Advanced Oxygen Administration to the Mother, Advanced Treatment of Shock; Allergic Reaction in Mother or Baby; Newborn Resuscitation; Maternal Resuscitation; Newborn Seizures; Maternal Seizures. Prerequisites: MWS 0302. Offered: Summer/Winter.
MWS 0803 Complications Postpartum (4 credits). Students will learn to identify abnormalities and complications during the postpartum period. Emphasis placed on diagnostics and indications for referral. Students will gain entry-level proficiency for out of hospital practice in the following midwifery skills: Assessment of Pre-Eclampsia/Toxemia; Bimanual Compression; Manual Removal of Placenta and Fragments; Postpartum Hemorrhage; Pulmonary Embolism; Uterine Inversion; Assessment & Repair of Lacerations. Prerequisites: MWS 0402, MWS 0502. Offered Spring/Fall.
MWS 0904 Integrated Psychotherapy (4 credits). This course examines a variety of techniques, research and theories that can help a midwife support the families they serve while also recognizing conditions that indicate the need for referral. Topics include: emotional wellbeing during pregnancy, bonding and attachment, postpartum depression, special care for survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence, emotional awareness of the fetus, healthy child development, and methods of screening for child abuse. Prerequisites: MWS 0803. Offered: Summer/Winter.
MWS 1001 Nutritional Science for Midwives (4 credits). Science of nutrition as it relates to individual food choices, health behaviors, and cultural norms. Topics include nutrients and nutritional needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding, special diets, meeting cultural and personal preferences, obesity, eating disorders and prevention of chronic disease. Upon completion of the course students will be able to conduct a nutritional assessment and recommend nutritional guidelines and requirements for pregnant and postpartum mothers under their care. Prerequisites: none. Offered Spring/Fall.
MWS 1101 Breastfeeding (4 credits). Students will learn the anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding and possible problems, including an overview of counseling and education strategies for breastfeeding support. Topics include basic techniques and recommendations for breastfeeding initiation, politics of breastfeeding, risks of formula feeding, and influences of culture and birth practices on breastfeeding. Students will also examine the impact of birth related interventions on breastfeeding; including drug impacts, cesarean birth, emotional trauma to the mother, and instrumental delivery. Research and theory advocates for mother-led, not midwife, doctor, or consultant led initiation and maintenance of breastfeeding. Emphasis is placed on the skills to identify and solve common problems that occur during early breastfeeding when both mother and baby are most likely to be in midwifery care. Prerequisites: none. Offered: Summer/Winter.
MWS 1201 Well Woman Care (4 credits). This course explores the basic health of women across the lifespan. Topics covered include: the normal reproductive cycle, dysfunctions of menstruation, contraception and sexually transmitted infections. Also included is information about mental and emotional aspects of women’s wellness and health. Prerequisites: none. Offered Spring/Fall.